Total Contact Cast Application on a Diabetes Patient

Neuropathy is a common condition, which causes the loss of sensation in the body’s peripheral nerves. People living with diabetes most often experience this in their feet. This reduced sensation paired with unsupportive footwear or poor diabetes management can actually cause a diabetic foot ulcer to develop.

If not treated properly, it can lead to patients becoming hospitalized for infection and other related complications. Total contact casts are the gold standard for treatment of diabetic foot ulcers, helping to take weight off of the foot and reducing pressure on the wound.

Unlike orthopedic casts applied to bone breaks and fractures, total contact casts are usually reapplied every 2-3 days, so your physician can reevaluate the wound’s appearance.

“I  think it’s really important for patients to note that the morality rates of diabetic foot ulcers are actually on par with some of our most frequently diagnosed cancers, like breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer. 

So just like with these cancer diagnoses that require investigation and treatment right away, so do diabetic foot ulcers, to prevent them from getting much worse.”

Jill Eysaman-Walker, DO
Wound Care Specialist, Catholic Health Advanced Wound Healing Centers

The physicians at Catholic Health’s Advanced Wound Healing Centers work on a team that may include podiatrists, vascular specialists, and diabetes educators to create a successful treatment plan for patients living with diabetes.

One of the ways to prevent a diabetic foot ulcer from forming is to manage your disease as best you can, which is something our Diabetes Education classes can help patients with.


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