Contrary to popular belief, getting out of bed, not staying in, is the best option for recovery during a hospital stay. Kenmore Mercy is making that a priority with the addition of medical recliners in patient rooms. The specialized recliners are playing a key role in early mobility and helping patients achieve important steps to regain strength.
As noted in multiple studies, getting patients out of bed earlier and sitting upright between activities contributes to a quicker recovery, builds strength, and prevents deconditioning. The longer patients are in bed, the higher the risk of deconditioning, or weakness that can occur from inactivity. This includes falls, bed sores, delirium, increased length of stay, loss of ability to perform activities of daily living, and decreased independence.
Kenmore Mercy’s nurses have been the driving force behind the addition of an Activity Measure for Post-Acute Care (AMPAC) assessment tool which clearly defines patients’ mobility needs and identifies opportunities to incorporate movement throughout their hospital stay.
Every step forward, even minimal activity, helps lead to independence. Transferring patients to the medical recliners is one of eight progressive mobility goals, with the top one being walking more than one lap around the patient care unit.
“Ambulation while recovering helps restore function and maximizes independence. Something that seems very simple, like a patient being transferred to a medical recliner for all meals, can help lead to bigger steps, and improve recovery,” said Heather Telford, BSN, MS, BCEN, NEA-BC, Vice President Patient Care Services at Kenmore Mercy Hospital.
The hospital has invested more than $50,000 to purchase these medical recliners that will be making a huge difference in patients’ recovery. The Garman Family Foundation administered by the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo, funded the purchase six recliners with a $20,000 grant to the Kenmore Mercy Foundation. The purchase of an additional ten chairs was made possible from funds raised during Kenmore Mercy Foundation “A Tribute to Angels” event in 2019.