If you suffer from arthritis or chronic joint pain, you could benefit from trying out some of these home remedies.
It’s important to understand that home remedies shouldn’t be used as long-term solutions for joint pain. Rather, they can offer comfort or relief leading up to an appointment with your doctor to further discuss your joint health.
“I get a lot of questions on alternative treatments such as turmeric and other natural remedies. As long as it’s safe and not doing them harm, I’m certainly okay with patients trying alternative treatments, but I’m not sure the data’s out there to necessarily support full-time use of that.
I hear questions about glucosamine, cinnamon, other types of herbs and spices, things like that. There’s always a new one out there that’s all the rage, so I do try to stay on top of that and see if there’s any medical evidence out there to support it.”
Adam Burzynski, MD
Orthopaedic Surgeon, Kenmore Mercy Hospital
A lack of physical activity can make the pain and stiffness in your joints worse. Exercise reduces the discomfort associated with conditions like arthritis. Getting active increases flexibility, reduces pain, and supports overall joint health.
Nutrient-dense seafood, nuts, seeds, and plant oils such as flaxseed, soybean, and canola oil are great sources of these healthy fats. Also, when you’re in the grocery store, keep an eye out for brands of certain foods that have been fortified with Omega-3’s.
Sounds easy enough, right? People suffering from chronic joint pain become hypersensitive to dips in temperature, complaining of more aches and pains. When it’s cold out, get creative and find ways to keep warm. Dress in layers, wear scarves and sweaters at home. And don’t skimp on the heat – keep your thermostat on a reasonable setting!
Though some do have benefits when consumed in moderation, these fats can also carry health risks when overconsumed – including triggering painful inflammations. Examples of Omega-6 fatty acids include certain cooking oils, such as safflower, sunflower, and corn oils.
Though you can take supplements to ensure you’re getting enough of Vitamins K & C, this can also be achieved by eating a colorful array of fruits and vegetables. Green, leafy and cruciferous vegetables are good sources of Vitamin K. And despite the common association of Vitamin C with citrus fruits, you can also turn to peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, and winter squash.
These home remedies can help with chronic joint pain and arthritis, but they shouldn’t serve as a replacement for medical care. If you experience prolonged pain throughout your body, make an appointment to speak with an orthopaedic specialist. They can help you determine a long-term treatment plan that’s right for you.
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