Why Vaccines are Important for Children

As a parent, we try to take every precaution and safety measure possible to keep our kids safe. Vaccines are vital in keeping them protected from certain illnesses and diseases by strengthening their immune systems, as well as keeping those around them safe. When babies are born, their immune systems are not fully developed yet, putting them at greater risk of contracting infections. It’s important to ensure your child receives all the necessary and recommended vaccines to build their immune system. Vaccines contain a dead or weakened version of the germ. When we get a vaccine, our bodies react and learn how to fight it off the next time we are exposed to it.

When Should my Child be Vaccinated?

The first vaccine children receive should be for Hepatitis B, which is administered right after they are born. Other vaccines the CDC recommends children receive before they reach 15 months include:

  • Rotavirus
  • Diphtheria, tetanus, & acellular pertussis
  • Influenza
  • Poliovirus
  • Human papillomavirus
  • Measles, mumps & rubella

The CDC recommends children continue to receive these vaccines up until the age of 18. In most states, children are not allowed to begin school without a completed vaccine record. For a complete list of vaccines and a timeline of when they should be administered, visit the CDC website here.

Addressing Common Concerns

Children are exposed to thousands of germs and bacteria every day. Infants regularly put things in their mouths, and will eat and breathe in germs. However, this natural exposure does not necessarily make their immune system stronger. While babies are born with strong immune systems, they aren’t capable of fighting off every infection or disease, which is why they need vaccines to strengthen them.

Side effects can be expected upon receiving a vaccine. Mild reactions, such as fever, redness, swelling, tiredness, soreness, and tenderness around injection site are common and may last for a few days. It is very rare for someone to have a severe, long lasting reaction to a vaccine. It’s important to note, no definitive evidence has been found that vaccines cause harm to children. The benefits of vaccines greatly outweigh the risks that come with not getting your children vaccinated.

Without vaccines, more illnesses and preventable deaths will likely occur. According to the World Health Organization, there are currently 29 vaccines approved for use to prevent infections. This is great news, because this means we are discovering more ways to make another disease preventable. But it can also be overwhelming to know which ones are needed and when.

How to Get Accurate Vaccine Info

It is perfectly normal to have questions and concerns about vaccines for your child. Be sure to voice any concerns with your child’s pediatrician at their next visit, they are your go-to expert on which vaccines you and your family should be getting to keep each other safe. Remember, vaccines are some of the safest, most effective methods of modern medicine today.


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