If your students will be rotating at one of our hospitals, please see below for parking guidelines.
Mercy Hospital of Buffalo
Click here to download parking guidelines for Mercy Hospital of Buffalo.
Sisters of Charity Hospital, Main Street Campus
If your students will be rotating through Sisters of Charity Hospital, Main Street Campus, the following steps should be completed:
- Review the Sisters Hospital Student Form SCH #01 – Student Agreement (Word Document). Sign, date and return to the hospital. Click here for a sample of a completed form (PDF).
- Complete a Sisters Hospital Student Form SCH # 02 – Student Survey Form (Word Document) and submit electronically or by fax (see contact information below). Click here for a sample of a completed form (PDF).
- The school will be notified by John Schmelzinger on how many green parking access cards will be provided to instructors as an initial start up supply. The instructor who is assigned the parking access cards and is responsible for issuing them to students will be required to pick them up from the hospital and sign for them. This is a one-time process in order to provide an initial supply of access cards. Instructors will also be responsible to personally pick-up and sign for any additional replacement cards when needed. The hospital is unable to mail any cards or issue to anyone other than the instructor.
- As soon as the instructor has obtained the students’ vehicle information, the instructor will then need to
complete a hospital Student Form SCH # 03 – Student Registration Form (Word Document), listing the access card number assigned to the student for the clinical rotation and provide their vehicle information. The form needs to be submitted electronically at least two weeks prior to the start of the school semester. Click here for a sample of a completed form (PDF).
- The instructor will issue the parking access cards to the students and provide them with a copy of the hospital Student Form SCH # 04 – Student Parking Layout (PDF) and student handbook or refer them to the Catholic Health Student Website when available.
- As soon as the hospital receives the form, the access cards will be activated and appropriate card swipe access will be assigned.
- The instructor will collect all parking access cards from students as they complete their on campus rotation. Cards are to be safeguarded by the instructor so that they are available for redistribution the following rotation. A new Student Form SCH # 03 – Student Registration Form needs to be submitted for each rotation/time the cards are being issued.
- The instructor will make sure all cards have been returned. If any are missing, she/he will notify John Schmelzinger (891-2489) to report they were not returned, lost or stolen and to request replacements.
- The school will be invoiced $10 for any replacement cards issued and for any parking fees resulting from students parking in an unauthorized and restricted patient/visitor parking area (i.e. Lot-A).
The hospital reserves the right to restrict the total amount of student’s on-campus per clinical rotation, the amount of parking access cards being issued and assigning any applicable fees when appropriate.
Contact Information
Hospital Contact (Send all forms electronically)
John Schmelzinger
2157 Main Street
Buffalo, New York 14214
Office: (716) 891-2489
Fax (716) 862-2056