Western New York is home to over 45 colleges and universities all conveniently located around our various Catholic Health Ministries. This allows a variety of college students the flexibility to explore volunteer opportunities that may assist future career choices. Several of our health centers are easily accessed by public transit, making our campuses very accessible to students without personal transportation.

We understand the demands of academia and have designed this program to work with each person’s schedule individually as needed, plus volunteering is not limited to just hospital based activities. Student volunteers at Catholic Health can experience a wide variety of health related careers including IT, business, legal, quality and safety, and administrative programs.

Application Requirements

  • A completed Adult application.
  • A copy of a recent physical (within last 12 months)
  • Proof of all NYS required immunizations; specifically MMR
  • SEASONAL: Proof of flu vaccine or signed declination
  • At least one negative test for tuberculosis (PPD) completed within the past 12 months or medical documentation to show why you cannot have this done. (Allergy, previous false positive, etc.) A second PPD will be administered at our clinic shortly after you begin volunteering.
  • A placement interview with a volunteer services associate
  • Attendance at a General Volunteer Orientation or Information Session
  • Need More Information?

Please Contact Volunteer Services at (716) 862-1106.

Request An Appointment

Fill out a quick form and a Catholic Health representative will call you to schedule an appointment.

Request an Appointment