A medical rehabilitation unit offers a higher level of rehabilitation than short-term rehab (subacute) facilities. Patients may be recovering from specific diagnoses such as stroke, hip fractures, multiple fractures or complications from neurological conditions like Parkinson’s or Multiple Sclerosis. On average, the length of stay in an MRU is 14 days.
Patients are discharged from the hospital and transferred to the medical rehabilitation unit. Patients are referred by a physician, case manager, or discharge planner.
You can request an evaluation to determine eligibility for MRU services. This request should be made to the hospital’s rehab physician (physiatrist) or nurse practitioner, or to your discharge planner.
The MRU is located within a hospital, which provides you with proximity to medical services should the need arise.
Each patient’s rehabilitation program is developed by our medical team, led by a board-certified physiatrist, in conjunction with the patient and family.
Specialized teams of medical and clinical staff work exclusively in the MRU to expedite the recovery process.
The physician’s team includes:
If you are affected by chronic illness or physical disability, rehabilitation nurses help you to adapt to your disabilities and work toward a productive, independent life.
Team conferences are held weekly to review the treatment plan and evaluate your progress. Team members provide you and your family with recommendations and instructions for continued care.
The rehabilitation team creates innovative treatments to help patients now and in the future. We are committed to providing our patients with the most up-to-date care and information.
We use multiple quality outcome tools to track rehab care and patient progress. These outcome tools allow the MRU staff (therapy and rehab nursing) to document the severity of patient disability and the results of medical rehabilitation treatments. Medical rehab staff (therapy and rehab nursing) can monitor positive functional changes of their patients from the start of rehabilitative care through discharge from the program. The collection of clinical data is compared with regional and national facilities to ensure high quality medical standards are maintained.