Regain Control with Our Addiction Management Programs

Whether this is your first time seeking treatment or you need additional care, the addiction management professionals at Catholic Health are here for you.

Like any other chronic condition, addiction requires tailored treatments and lifelong care. Our addiction management programs will help you regain control. We strive to provide the best in addiction treatment so you can stay close to home with the support of your family and friends nearby.

It is never too late to seek treatment. Our team is compassionate and respects your privacy. Call (716) 298-2115 to speak to one of our team members today.

Hands in for support

Do You Have An Addiction?

Treatment depends on the severity of your addiction and the type of drug you use. We plan your treatment around your needs. While some people only need to see a counselor, others need medical treatment that requires a stay in the hospital or treatment center.

Alcohol Dependence

You might be dependent on alcohol if you:

  • Cannot quit drinking or control how much you drink.
  • Drink in the morning, often being drunk for long periods of time.
  • Drink alone.
  • Need to drink more to get the same effect.
  • Feel guilty after drinking.
  • Have withdrawal symptoms when you stop drinking. These include feeling sick to your stomach, sweating, shakiness, and anxiety.
  • Spend a lot of time drinking and have given up other activities so you can drink.
  • Have tried to quit drinking or to cut back the amount you drink but haven’t been able to.
  • Hide your drinking.
  • Don’t remember what you did while you were drinking.

Prescription Drug Addiction

Some prescription drugs can be addictive, especially if they’re taken in a manner other than prescribed or by people without a prescription.

You may be addicted if you:

  • Take higher doses than prescribed
  • Have excessive mood swings
  • Sleep more or less than usual
  • Experience poor decision-making
  • Seek prescriptions from more than one doctor
  • Seek out additional prescriptions, sometimes by “losing” prescriptions

Addiction Treatment Options

Our Pathways Program provides medication-assisted treatment for heroin or prescription drug addiction. Medicines such as methadone, Vivitrol or Suboxone help control the withdrawal symptoms associated with heroin or prescription drug addiction. When combined with counseling, medication-assisted treatment can help you manage your condition.

We provide inpatient treatment for alcohol and drug addiction at Mount St. Mary’s Hospital and St. Joseph Campus. The Clearview Inpatient Rehabilitation Program is a confidential program dedicated to the holistic care of men and women whose lives have been affected by alcohol and/or drugs.

24-hour care and medical support will help keep the focus on recovery. Here, patients can remove themselves from negative environments and acquaintances. This can be the key to recovery as it allows them to remove themselves from triggers. Services also include:

  • Traditional recovery program, as well as non-traditional approaches to meet individual needs (may include methadone maintenance from our professionally trained and compassionate staff)
  • Specialized women’s and men’s programming, including services for pregnant women and help with domestic violence, trauma, and mental health issues
  • Pastoral and other spiritual guidance available

Clearview is a 28-day program, however, a patient’s stay may be shorter or longer depending on individual circumstances. Please call us for more information about this program at (716) 298-2115.

Having the right type of support system around you is critical on your path to recovery. Our addiction management programs are tailored to the individual, with recommended treatment for your circumstances and the severity of your condition. We respect the person living with addiction by treating patients with compassion and observing their privacy.

Our STAR program offers outpatient drug and alcohol counseling.

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