Research is an integral part of this residency program. The goal of performing a research project during residency is to engage residents in critical thinking and clinical research practices.
Research projects may explore a variety of podiatry related topics in the form of a detailed literature review, case study, retrospective study, or a prospective study.
Residents are urged to use the most comprehensive research design possible in order to gain the widest research experience and maximize the quality of their research project within realistic budget and time constraints.
Presentation of projects at national research meetings and publication within peer reviewed journals is encouraged to further enhance the resident’s experience and career advancement, but are not required for graduation.
Our major research activities include, but are not limited to:
1. Seminars required for graduation:
2. Annual research symposium
3. Mandatory oral presentations by PGY III
4. Poster presentations (optional for PGY I-II)
Our residents are currently researching or have researched the following topics: