February 19, 2025 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
A computer or smartphone near you!
You are already an expert, but some things have changed! This class looks at current car seat recommendations, current safety guidelines, and is a great place to ask questions.
To register, download and return our registration form.
For questions or additional help, please contact HealthConnection at (716) 923-7152
April 16, 2025 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
A computer or smartphone near you!
You are already an expert, but some things have changed! This class looks at current car seat recommendations, current safety guidelines, and is a great place to ask questions.
To register, download and return our registration form.
For questions or additional help, please contact HealthConnection at (716) 923-7152
June 18, 2025 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
A computer or smartphone near you!
You are already an expert, but some things have changed! This class looks at current car seat recommendations, current safety guidelines, and is a great place to ask questions.
To register, download and return our registration form.
For questions or additional help, please contact HealthConnection at (716) 923-7152
August 20, 2025 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
A computer or smartphone near you!
You are already an expert, but some things have changed! This class looks at current car seat recommendations, current safety guidelines, and is a great place to ask questions.
To register, download and return our registration form.
For questions or additional help, please contact HealthConnection at (716) 923-7152