Who's Who of Sisters of Charity Hospital

  • Meghan Aldrich, President
  • Nady Shehata, M.D., Vice President of Medical Affairs
  • Diane Lobdell, MSN, RN, Vice President for Patient Care Services
  • Heather Loomis, Vice President of Operations
  • Esther Sanborn, Vice President, Mission Integration
  • Jennifer Jacobs, Director of Human Resources
Main entrance of Sisters of Charity hospital

Hospital Administration Updates

Health Equity Impact Assessment for Change in Hospital Services

New York State requires a Health Equity Impact Assessment (HEIA) be filed with a Certificate of Need (CON) application to provide information on whether a proposed project impacts the delivery of or access to services for the service area, particularly medically underserved groups.

The Health Equity Impact Assessment requirement ensures that community voices are considered as well as an objective, independent assessment of the anticipated impact of the project on the public health of, service delivery of, or access to hospital and health-related services for medically underserved groups.

Links to the HEIA documents and the CON filed with the New York State Department of Health are listed below.

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