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An ultrasound is a test that bounces sound waves off tissues and organs and translates the sound waves into sonograms (pictures).

A prescription from your doctor is needed to make an appointment.

Physician performing an ultrasound with a patient

Preparing for Your Ultrasound

Your preparation will depend on the type of ultrasound study needed. Follow your doctor’s instructions regarding any special diet, fasting, or liquid consumption prior to your exam. You can also ask a member of our staff if you have any questions concerning special preparation instructions for your ultrasound.

In general:

For a pelvic ultrasound, you will need to drink 32 to 48 ounces of water one hour before your exam and have the bladder full for the exam.

For an ultrasound of the kidneys or aorta, you may need to fast for 8 to 12 hours before your exam.

If your study is of the liver, gallbladder, spleen or pancreas, in addition to fasting 8 to 12 hours before your ultrasound, you also may need to avoid eating any fat the evening before your exam.

Because barium can interfere with the test, if you’ve had a barium enema or other GI test with barium, you may not be able to have an ultrasound until 48 hours afterward.

The Day of Your Ultrasound

Wear comfortable clothing to your appointment. You may be asked to remove some or all of your clothes, but gowns will be available.

Follow your preparation instructions if any apply to you.

During Your Ultrasound

In the ultrasound room, a technologist will assist you onto the padded table. A clear gel will be applied to the area where the transducer will make contact with the body. This gel creates an airtight seal between the transducer and the body so that accurate images can be obtained. The technician will move the transducer back and forth over the skin to find the optimal images to capture.

During a Doppler ultrasound, you may hear the sounds of your pulse as the blood flow is measured. For transvaginal and transrectal exams, a special transducer attached to a probe will be inserted and moved gently to locate the right images.

When your exam is over, you will be given a towel to wipe away the gel.

After Your Ultrasound

You may leave immediately following the procedure.

The radiologist will study the sonogram images collected and report the results to your physician. Your doctor will schedule a time with you to discuss the results of your ultrasound.


We will bill your insurance company directly. Please bring your insurance card and referral/authorization form (if necessary) on the day of your exam.

Some insurance carriers require pre-certification for ultrasound. Please check with your insurance provider to see what their requirements are.

Request An Appointment

Fill out a quick form and a Catholic Health representative will call you to schedule an appointment.

Request an Appointment