
Is this the rhythm method?
The Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System (CrMS), featuring the science of NaPro Technology, is not the old rhythm method, nor the temperature method. It is based on simple, natural signs of fertility and basic biology supported by years of solid, scientific research.

Who Can Learn Natural Family Planning

Is this a Catholic method?

Although Natural Family Planning has been researched and developed at the encouragement of the Catholic Church, Natural Family Planning is universal and can be used by anyone. There is no religious presentation in the instruction.

NFP is universally accepted by all religious faiths.

Is this method just for married couples?

Any woman can learn about her fertility and is encouraged to do so, especially if there are difficulties in her cycle. However, instructions specific to achieving and avoiding pregnancy will only be taught to married couples or engaged couples preparing for marriage, as it is within the context of marriage that NFP is proven most successful and beneficial to couples.

NFP cooperates with a couple’s fertility, respects the dignity of women and the integrity of marriage and promotes shared responsibility between spouses.

Instruction in Natural Family Planning

Can I learn Natural Family Planning from a book?

Natural Family Planning is best learned under the guidance of a professional, who can answer questions and identify your needs and concerns and work through them with you.

Uses of Natural Family Planning

What else can be identified with Natural Family Planning?

The Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System (CrMS) provides an excellent health record and abnormalities can be detected in a way that is unique. Some conditions that can be identified and evaluated further include:

  • infertility
  • repetitive miscarriage
  • abnormal bleeding
  • recurrent ovarian cysts
  • pelvic pain, and
  • premenstrual syndrome.

Paying for Natural Family Planning

Is Natural Family Planning covered by insurance?

In some cases, Natural Family Planning may be covered by insurance.

Please check with your insurance carrier.

Don’t see the answer to your question? Click here to email the Catholic FertilityCare Centers of WNY or call (716) 862-1944.

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