A nurse assists an elderly personMedical adult day care provides a place where someone requiring supervision can spend the day and have the opportunity to socialize and receive medical care.

The St. Catherine Adult Day Care Program allows individuals to live at home and enjoy a social network that can eliminate feelings of isolation. It can also reduce the stress that family, friends and caregivers may experience in managing an individual’s needs.


Individuals who qualify for this program may be:

  • Chronically ill
  • “At risk” with disabilities
  • In need of medical and rehabilitation services
  • Living in the community either alone or with caregivers

Participants must have a medical diagnosis requiring skilled services, such as rehabilitative therapy or nursing care. Participants must also be residents of Erie County and be at least 18 years of age.

All the Services of a Nursing Home

The St. Catherine Adult Day Care Program provides all of the services that you would find in a nursing home:

  • physical, occupational and speech therapy
  • nursing care and audiology services
  • nutritional and health counseling
  • social services/case management (i.e. referrals to specialists)
  • recreational activities
  • pastoral/spiritual care services

Members can expect to be at the center on their scheduled days for five hours. Transportation arrangements are coordinated by the program staff.

Members receive the services ordered by their physician in a structured setting. Nursing assessments and health education are ongoing, and age-appropriate recreational activities are scheduled daily. Members are served a nutritionally balanced mid-day meal.

How to Enroll

The program accepts referrals from physicians, hospitals, community agencies and family or friends. An individual’s eligibility is determined after an initial nursing assessment and therapy evaluation. A schedule for these evaluations is arranged that will meet their needs.

To make arrangements, please call (716) 862-2513.


Medicaid usually pays for our services in entirety, or private pay options are available.

Request An Appointment

Fill out a quick form and a Catholic Health representative will call you to schedule an appointment.

Request an Appointment